Baltimore’s Vintage Victuals


Maryland Sip and Savor contributor Kit Waskom Pollard and Suzanne Loudermilk, both veteran food writers, have teamed up on Lost Restaurants of Baltimore, a book that profiles 35 beloved Baltimore restaurants that are no more.

The authors tell the stories behind 19th century institutions like Thompson’s Sea Girt House and 20th century establishments like Haussner’s and Louie’s Bookstore Café. More recent stories include The Chameleon, an early entry in the local food movement.

Lost Restaurants of Baltimore is the story of the big personalities in Baltimore’s dining scene, of iconic dishes that are still missed—and re-created—and of the behind-the-scenes maneuverings that can make or break a restaurant. The book explores how dining out has evolved over time and how factors like race and immigration have influenced the restaurant business.

Lost Restaurants of Baltimore is available on Amazon and at bookstores around the state. – M.T.

Lost Restaurants of Baltimore

Lost Restaurants of Baltimore

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